Configuring the persistence service

The DbPersistenceServiceFactory

The DbPersistenceServiceFactory itself has 3 more configuration properties: isTransactionEnabled, sessionFactoryJndiName and dataSourceJndiName. To specify any of these properties in the jbpm.cfg.xml, you need to specify the service factory as a bean in the factory element like this:

IMPORTANT: don't mix the short and long notation for configuring the factories. See also the section called “Customizing factories”. If the factory is just a new instance of a class, you can use the factory attribute to refer to the factory class name. But if properties in a factory must be configured, the long notation must be used and factory and bean must be combined as nested elements. Like this:

    <service name="persistence">
        <bean class="org.jbpm.persistence.db.DbPersistenceServiceFactory">
          <field name="isTransactionEnabled"><false /></field>
          <field name="sessionFactoryJndiName">
            <string value="java:/myHibSessFactJndiName" />
          <field name="dataSourceJndiName">
            <string value="java:/myDataSourceJndiName" />
  • isTransactionEnabled: by default, jBPM will begin a hibernate transaction when the session is fetched the first time and if the jbpmContext is closed, the hibernate transaction will be ended. The transaction is then committed or rolled back depending on wether jbpmContext.setRollbackOnly was called. The isRollbackOnly property is maintained in the TxService. To disable transactions and prohibit jBPM from managing transactions with hibernate, configure the isTransactionEnabled property to false as in the example above. This property only controls the behaviour of the jbpmContext, you can still call the DbPersistenceService.beginTransaction() directly with the API, which ignores the isTransactionEnabled setting. For more info about transactions, see the section called “Hibernate transactions”.
  • sessionFactoryJndiName: by default, this is null, meaning that the session factory is not fetched from JNDI. If set and a session factory is needed to create a hibernate session, the session factory will be fetched from jndi using the provided JNDI name.
  • dataSourceJndiName: by default, this is null and creation of JDBC connections will be delegated to hibernate. By specifying a datasource, jBPM will fetch a JDBC connection from the datasource and provide that to hibernate while opening a new session. For user provided JDBC connections, see the section called “Injecting resources programmatically”.

The hibernate session factory

By default, the DbPersistenceServiceFactory will use the resource hibernate.cfg.xml in the root of the classpath to create the hibernate session factory. Note that the hibernate configuration file resource is mapped in the property 'jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml' and can be customized in the jbpm.cfg.xml. This is the default configuration:

  <!-- configuration resource files pointing to default configuration files in jbpm-{version}.jar -->
  <string name='resource.hibernate.cfg.xml' 
          value='hibernate.cfg.xml' />
  <!-- <string name='' 
                  value='' /> -->

When the property is specified, the properties in that resource file will overwrite all the properties in the hibernate.cfg.xml. Instead of updating the hibernate.cfg.xml to point to your DB, the can be used to handle jbpm upgrades conveniently: The hibernate.cfg.xml can then be copied without having to reapply the changes.

Configuring a c3po connection pool

Please refer to the hibernate documentation:

Configuring a ehcache cache provider

If you want to configure jBPM with JBossCache, have a look at the jBPM configuration wiki page

For more information about configuring a cache provider in hibernate, take a look at the hibernate documentation, section 'Second level cache'

The hibernate.cfg.xml that ships with jBPM includes the following line:

<property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider</property>

This is done to get people up and running as fast as possible without having to worrie about classpaths. Note that hibernate contains a warning that states not to use the HashtableCacheProvider in production.

To use ehcache instead of the HashtableCacheProvider, simply remove that line and put ehcache.jar on the classpath. Note that you might have to search for the right ehcache library version that is compatible with your environmment. Previous incompatibilities between a jboss version and a perticular ehcache version were the reason to change the default to HashtableCacheProvider.