Database compatibility

jBPM runs on any database that is supported by hibernate.

The example configuration files in jBPM (src/config.files) specify the use of the hypersonic in-memory database. That database is ideal during development and for testing. The hypersonic in-memory database keeps all its data in memory and doesn't store it on disk.

Isolation level of the JDBC connection

Make sure that the database isolation level that you configure for your JDBC connection is at least READ_COMMITTED.

Almost all features run OK even with READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation level 0 and the only isolation level supported by HSQLDB). But race conditions might occur in the job executor and with synchronizing multiple tokens.

Changing the jBPM DB

Following is an indicative list of things to do when changing jBPM to use a different database:

  • put the jdbc-driver library archive in the classpath
  • update the hibernate configuration used by jBPM
  • create the schema in the new database

The jBPM DB schema

The jbpm.db subproject, contains a number of drivers, instructions and scripts to help you getting started on your database of choice. Please, refer to the readme.html in the root of the jbpm.db project for more information.

While jBPM is capable of generating DDL scripts for all database, these schemas are not always optimized. So you might want to have your DBA review the DDL that is generated to optimize the column types and use of indexes.

In development you might be interested in the following hibernate configuration: If you set hibernate configuration property '' to 'create-drop' (e.g. in the hibernate.cfg.xml), the schema will be automatically created in the database the first time it is used in an application. When the application closes down, the schema will be dropped.

The schema generation can also be invoked programmatically with jbpmConfiguration.createSchema() and jbpmConfiguration.dropSchema().