Changelog v2.x


  • In progress


  • Released 2024-06-12
  • Warning: The internal change in the functions, indicates their parameters are now sent in JSON format. This is a major API REST change for these functions.
  • Wizard
    • Internal change in the function addShowWizardKeywords.
    • Internal change in the function addShowWizardCategories.
    • Internal change in the function addGroup.
    • Internal change in the function removeGroup.
    • Internal change in the function addWorkflow.
    • Internal change in the function removeWorkflow.
  • Stamp
    • Internal change in the function stampTextCustom.
    • Internal change in the function stampImageCustom.
  • Property
    • Internal change in the function removeKeyword.
  • Node
    • Internal change in the function unzip.
    • Internal change in the function generateDownloadToken.
    • Have been removed two non-used variables in the function generateDownloadToken(uuid, preview, oneTimeUse, validUntil). The final function is generateDownloadToken(uuid, preview).
  • Folder
    • Internal change in the function create.
  • Document
    • Internal change in the function cancelCheckout.
    • Internal change in the function setIndexable.
    • Internal change in the function liveEditCancelCheckout.
  • Mail
    • Changed the name of the variable messageId to messageIds in the function importMessages.
  • Tasks
    • Fixed issue when a document was assigned to a task in the creation stage.
  • Search
    • Deleted functions
      • findPaginated({
            offset, limit, content, name, domain, keywords, categories, properties, author, language,
            mimeType, title, description, notes, lastModifiedFrom, lastModifiedTo, mailSubject, mailFrom, mailTo, folder,
            folderRecursive, promotedAsRecord, nodeClass, propertiesPlugin, sortField, sortReverse
      • findByQueryPaginated({ offset, limit, query, sortField, sortReverse, propertiesPlugin })
  • FilePlan
    • Renamed  functions
      • The function getRootSectionsIdWithChilds() is renamed to getRootSectionsIdWithChildren().
      • The fucntion getChildrenSectionsIdByTenantWithChilds(parentId) is renamed to getChildrenSectionsIdByTenantWithChildren(parentId).


  • Released 2024-04-18
  • All the functions of the autocad.js have been moved into document.js


  • Released 2024-03-07