OKMRest  3.4.0
OpenKM Rest
com.openkm.sdk4csharp.OKMWebservice Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for com.openkm.sdk4csharp.OKMWebservice:
Collaboration diagram for com.openkm.sdk4csharp.OKMWebservice:

Public Member Functions

void refreshConfiguration (String host)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseConversion
Stream doc2pdf (FileStream fileStream, String fileName)
Stream imageConvert (FileStream fileStream, String fileName, List< String > paramss, String dstMimeType)
Stream html2pdf (String url)
string doc2txt (FileStream fileStream, String fileName)
string img2txt (FileStream fileStream, String fileName)
string barcode2txt (FileStream fileStream, String fileName)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseDocument
Document createDocument (String uuid, String name, FileStream fileStream)
void deleteDocument (String docId)
Document getDocumentProperties (String docId)
Stream getContent (String docId)
Stream getContentByVersion (String docId, String versionId)
List< DocumentgetDocumentChildren (String fldId)
Document renameDocument (String docId, String newName)
void setProperties (String uuid, String title, String description, String lang, List< String > keywords, List< String > categories)
void setLanguage (String uuid, String lang)
void setDocumentTitle (String docId, String title)
void setNodeClass (String docId, long ncId)
void checkout (String docId)
void cancelCheckout (String docId)
void forceCancelCheckout (String docId)
Boolean isCheckedOut (String docId)
com.openkm.sdk4csharp.bean.Version checkin (String docId, String comment, Stream fileStream)
com.openkm.sdk4csharp.bean.Version checkin (String docId, String comment, Stream fileStream, int increment)
LockInfo lockDocument (String docId)
void unlock (String docId)
void forceUnlock (String docId)
Boolean isLocked (String docId)
LockInfo getLockInfo (String docId)
void purgeDocument (String docId)
void moveDocument (String docId, String dstId)
void copyDocument (String docId, String dstId, String newName)
long getVersionHistorySize (String docId)
Boolean isValidDocument (String docId)
String getDocumentPath (String uuid)
List< String > getDetectedLanguages ()
void extendedDocumentCopy (String docId, String dstId, String name, Boolean categories, Boolean keywords, Boolean propertyGroups, Boolean notes, Boolean wiki)
String getExtractedText (String docId)
Stream getThumbnail (String docId, String type)
Document createFromTemplate (String docId, String dstPath, String language, Boolean categories, Boolean keywords, Boolean propertyGroups, Boolean notes, Boolean wiki, Dictionary< String, String > properties)
void updateFromTemplate (String docId, String dstId, Dictionary< String, String > properties)
String getAnnotations (String docId, String verName)
Stream getDifferences (String docId, String v1, String v2)
List< DocumentgetCheckedOut ()
void setDocumentDescription (String uuid, String description)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseAuth
string login (String user, String password)
void setAuthorizationToken (String authorizationToken)
List< CommonUsergetUsers ()
Dictionary< String, int > getGrantedRoles (String uuid)
Dictionary< String, int > getGrantedUsers (String uuid)
List< String > getRoles ()
List< String > getRolesByUser (String userId)
CommonUser getUser (String userId)
List< CommonUsergetUsersByRole (String role)
void revokeRole (String uuid, String roleId, int permissions, Boolean recursive)
void revokeUser (String uuid, String userId, int permissions, Boolean recursive)
void grantRole (String uuid, String roleId, int permissions, Boolean recursive)
void grantUser (String nodeId, String user, int permissions, Boolean recursive)
void changeSecurity (String uuid, ChangeSecurity changeSecurity)
void createUser (String userId, String password, String email, String name, Boolean active)
void deleteUser (String user)
void updateUser (String user, String password, String email, String name, Boolean active)
void createRole (String role, Boolean active)
void deleteRole (String role)
void updateRole (String role, Boolean active)
void assignRole (String user, String role)
void removeRole (String user, String role)
List< ProfilegetProfiles (Boolean filterByActive)
Profile getUserProfile (String userId)
void setUserProfile (String userId, long profileId)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseFolder
Folder createFolder (String uuid, String name)
void deleteFolder (String uuid)
Folder getFolderProperties (String uuid)
Folder renameFolder (String uuid, String newName)
void moveFolder (String uuid, String dstId)
List< FoldergetFolderChildren (String uuid)
Boolean isValidFolder (String uuid)
String getFolderPath (String uuid)
void copyFolder (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
void extendedFolderCopy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName, Boolean categories, Boolean keywords, Boolean propertyGroups, Boolean notes, Boolean wiki)
ContentInfo getContentInfo (String uuid)
void purgeFolder (String uuid)
void setStyle (String uuid, long styleId)
void createMissingFolders (String fldPath)
void setFolderDescription (string uuid, String description)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseMail
Mail getMailProperties (String uuid)
void deleteMail (String uuid)
Mail renameMail (String uuid, String newName)
void moveMail (String uuid, String dstId)
List< MailgetMailChildren (String uuid)
Boolean isValidMail (String uuid)
String getMailPath (String uuid)
Document createAttachment (String uuid, String docName, FileStream fileStream)
void deleteAttachment (String uuid, String docId)
List< DocumentgetAttachments (String uuid)
void purgeMail (String uuid)
void copyMail (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
void extendedMailCopy (String uuid, String dstId, Boolean categories, Boolean keywords, Boolean propertyGroups, Boolean notes, Boolean wiki, String newName)
Mail importEml (String dstId, String title, FileStream fileStream)
Mail importMsg (String uuid, String title, FileStream fileStream)
void setMailTitle (String uuid, String title)
void setMailNodeClass (String uuid, long ncId)
void sendMail (List< String > recipient, String subject, String body)
void sendMailWithAttachments (List< String > to, List< String > cc, List< String > bcc, List< String > replyTo, String subject, String body, List< String > docsId, String uuid)
void setMailDescription (String uuid, String description)
Stream getMailContent (String uuid)
Stream getMailThumbnail (String uuid, String type)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseNote
Note addNote (String uuid, String text)
Note getNote (String noteId)
void deleteNote (String noteId)
void setNote (String noteId, String text)
List< NotelistNotes (String uuid)
List< NoteHistorygetNotesHistory (String uuid)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseNode
List< bean.VersiongetVersionHistory (String uuid)
void restoreVersion (String uuid, String versionName)
void purgeVersionHistory (String uuid)
PromoteAsRecordEvaluation mayBePromotedAsRecordNode (String uuid, bool fullEvaluation)
void promoteAsRecord (String uuid)
Boolean isElectronicRecordPath (String uuid)
void degradeRecord (String uuid)
Record getElectronicRecordInPath (String uuid)
void subscribe (String uuid)
void unsubscribe (String uuid)
void importZip (String uuid, FileStream content)
Stream exportZip (List< String > uuids, bool background)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseProperty
void addCategory (String uuid, String catId)
void removeCategory (String uuid, String catId)
void addKeyword (String uuid, String keyword)
void removeKeyword (String uuid, String keyword)
void setEncryption (String uuid, String cipherName)
void unsetEncryption (String uuid)
void setSigned (String uuid, Boolean signed)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BasePropertyGroup
void addGroup (String uuid, String grpName, Dictionary< String, String > propertiesMap)
void removeGroup (String uuid, String grpName)
List< PropertyGroupgetGroups (String uuid)
List< PropertyGroupgetAllGroups ()
Dictionary< string, string > getPropertyGroupProperties (String uuid, String grpName)
List< FormElementgetPropertyGroupForm (String grpName)
void setPropertyGroupProperties (String uuid, String grpName, Dictionary< String, String > properties)
Boolean hasGroup (String uuid, String grpName)
String getRegisteredDefinition ()
List< string > getSuggestions (String uuid, String grpName, String propName)
void registerDefinition (FileStream fileStream, String pgName)
Dictionary< String, String > getPropertyGroupPropertiesByVersion (String uuid, String grpName, String versionName)
List< PropertyGroupgetGroupsByVersion (String uuid, String versionName)
PropertyGroup getGroup (String grpName)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseRecord
Record createRecord (String uuid, String name, String title, long nodeClass)
Record getRecordProperties (String uuid)
void deleteRecord (String uuid)
void purgeRecord (String uuid)
Record renameRecord (String uuid, String newName)
void moveRecord (String uuid, String dstId)
void copyRecord (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
Boolean isValidRecord (String uuid)
List< RecordgetRecordChildren (String fldId)
LockInfo lockRecord (String uuid)
void unlockRecord (String uuid)
void forceUnlockRecord (String uuid)
void setRecordTitle (String uuid, String title)
void setRecordNodeClass (String uuid, long ncId)
String getRecordPath (String uuid)
void setRecordDispositionStage (String uuid, long stage)
void setRecordDescription (String uuid, String description)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseRepository
Folder getRootFolder ()
Folder getTrashFolder ()
Folder getTrashFolderBase ()
Folder getTemplatesFolder ()
Folder getPersonalFolder ()
Folder getPersonalFolderBase ()
Folder getMailFolder ()
Folder getMailFolderBase ()
Folder getThesaurusFolder ()
Folder getCategoriesFolder ()
void purgeTrash ()
String getUpdateMessage ()
String getRepositoryUuid ()
Boolean hasNode (String uuid)
String getNodePath (String uuid)
String getNodeUuid (String nodePath)
AppVersion getAppVersion ()
void copyAttributes (String uuid, String dstId, Boolean categories, Boolean keywords, Boolean propertyGroups, Boolean notes, Boolean wiki)
ScriptExecutionResult executeScript (FileStream fileStream)
SqlQueryResults executeSqlQuery (FileStream fileStream)
HqlQueryResults executeHqlQuery (FileStream fileStream)
Dictionary< string, string > getTranslations (String lang, String module)
Configuration getConfiguration (String key)
List< ChangeLoggedgetChangeLog (String nodePath, DateTime modificationsFrom)
String getServerTime ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseRelation
List< RelationTypegetRelationTypes (String type)
void addRelation (String nodeAId, String nodeBId, long relTypeId)
void deleteRelation (long relationId)
List< RelationgetRelations (String uuid)
List< RelationGroupgetRelationGroups (String uuid)
void addRelationGroup (String uuid, String groupName, long type)
void addNodeToGroup (String uuid, long groupId)
void deleteItemFromGroup (String uuid, long groupId)
RelationGroup findRelationGroup (long groupId)
void setRelationGroupName (long groupId, String groupName)
List< RelationGroupgetAllRelationGroups ()
void deleteRelationGroup (long groupId)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.openkm.sdk4csharp.definition.BaseReport
List< ReportgetReports (bool active)
Report getReport (long rpId)
Stream executeReport (long rpId, string format, Dictionary< string, string > param)

Member Function Documentation

void com.openkm.sdk4csharp.OKMWebservice.refreshConfiguration ( String  host)

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