Class SuperState

  extended by org.jbpm.graph.def.GraphElement
      extended by org.jbpm.graph.def.Node
          extended by org.jbpm.graph.def.SuperState
All Implemented Interfaces:, Identifiable, NodeCollection, Parsable

public class SuperState
extends Node
implements Parsable, NodeCollection

brings hierarchy into the elements of a process definition by creating a parent-child relation between GraphElements.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.jbpm.graph.def.Node
Field Summary
protected  java.util.List nodes
static java.lang.String[] supportedEventTypes
Fields inherited from class org.jbpm.graph.def.Node
action, arrivingTransitions, isAsync, isAsyncExclusive, leavingTransitions, superState
Fields inherited from class org.jbpm.graph.def.GraphElement
description, events, exceptionHandlers, name, processDefinition
Constructor Summary
SuperState(java.lang.String name)
Method Summary
 Node addNode(Node node)
          adds the given node to this node-collection.
 boolean containsNode(Node node)
          recursively checks if the given node is one of the descendants of this supernode.
 void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext)
          override this method to customize the node behaviour.
 Node findNode(java.lang.String hierarchicalName)
          finds the node by the given hierarchical name.
 java.lang.String generateNodeName()
          generates a new name for a node to be added to this collection.
 Node getNode(java.lang.String name)
          retrieves a node by name.
 java.util.List getNodes()
          returns a list of child nodes (only applicable for SuperState)s.
 java.util.Map getNodesMap()
          maps node-names to nodes.
 GraphElement getParent()
          is the SuperState or the ProcessDefinition in which this node is contained.
 java.lang.String[] getSupportedEventTypes()
          indicative set of event types supported by this graph element. this is currently only used by the process designer to know which event types to show on a given graph element. in process definitions and at runtime, there are no constraints on the event-types.
 boolean hasNode(java.lang.String name)
          is true if this node-collection contains a node with the given name, false otherwise.
 boolean isSuperStateNode()
          indicates wether this node is a superstate.
 void read(org.dom4j.Element element, JpdlXmlReader jpdlReader)
 Node removeNode(Node node)
          removes the given node from this node-collection.
 void reorderNode(int oldIndex, int newIndex)
          changes the order of the nodes : the node on oldIndex is removed and inserted in the newIndex.
Methods inherited from class org.jbpm.graph.def.Node
addArrivingTransition, addLeavingTransition, addNodeLog, createAsyncContinuationJob, enter, generateNextLeavingTransitionName, getAction, getArrivingTransitions, getDefaultLeavingTransition, getFullyQualifiedName, getLeavingTransition, getLeavingTransitions, getLeavingTransitionsList, getLeavingTransitionsMap, getNameExt, getNodeType, getProcessDefinition, getSuperState, hasLeavingTransition, hasNoLeavingTransitions, isAsync, isAsyncExclusive, leave, leave, leave, removeArrivingTransition, removeLeavingTransition, reorderLeavingTransition, setAction, setAsync, setAsyncExclusive, setName, write
Methods inherited from class org.jbpm.graph.def.GraphElement
addEvent, addExceptionHandler, createAsyncActionExecutionJob, equals, executeAction, findExceptionHandler, fireAndPropagateEvent, fireEvent, getDescription, getEvent, getEvents, getExceptionHandlers, getId, getName, getParentChain, getParents, hasEvent, hasEvents, hashCode, raiseException, removeEvent, removeExceptionHandler, reorderExceptionHandler, setDescription, setProcessDefinition, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.jbpm.jpdl.xml.Parsable

Field Detail


protected java.util.List nodes


public static final java.lang.String[] supportedEventTypes
Constructor Detail


public SuperState()


public SuperState(java.lang.String name)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String[] getSupportedEventTypes()
Description copied from class: GraphElement
indicative set of event types supported by this graph element. this is currently only used by the process designer to know which event types to show on a given graph element. in process definitions and at runtime, there are no constraints on the event-types.

getSupportedEventTypes in class Node


public void read(org.dom4j.Element element,
                 JpdlXmlReader jpdlReader)
Specified by:
read in interface Parsable
read in class Node


public void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext)
Description copied from class: Node
override this method to customize the node behaviour.

execute in class Node


public java.util.List getNodes()
Description copied from class: Node
returns a list of child nodes (only applicable for SuperState)s.

Specified by:
getNodes in interface NodeCollection
getNodes in class Node


public java.util.Map getNodesMap()
Description copied from interface: NodeCollection
maps node-names to nodes. returns an empty map if no nodes are contained.

Specified by:
getNodesMap in interface NodeCollection


public Node getNode(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: NodeCollection
retrieves a node by name.

Specified by:
getNode in interface NodeCollection
the node or null if no such node is present.


public boolean hasNode(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: NodeCollection
is true if this node-collection contains a node with the given name, false otherwise.

Specified by:
hasNode in interface NodeCollection


public Node addNode(Node node)
Description copied from interface: NodeCollection
adds the given node to this node-collection.

Specified by:
addNode in interface NodeCollection
the added node.


public Node removeNode(Node node)
Description copied from interface: NodeCollection
removes the given node from this node-collection.

Specified by:
removeNode in interface NodeCollection
the removed node or null if the node was not present in this collection.


public void reorderNode(int oldIndex,
                        int newIndex)
Description copied from interface: NodeCollection
changes the order of the nodes : the node on oldIndex is removed and inserted in the newIndex. All nodes inbetween the old and the new index shift one index position.

Specified by:
reorderNode in interface NodeCollection


public java.lang.String generateNodeName()
Description copied from interface: NodeCollection
generates a new name for a node to be added to this collection.

Specified by:
generateNodeName in interface NodeCollection


public Node findNode(java.lang.String hierarchicalName)
Description copied from interface: NodeCollection
finds the node by the given hierarchical name. use .. for the parent, use slashes '/' to separate the node names.

Specified by:
findNode in interface NodeCollection


public boolean containsNode(Node node)
recursively checks if the given node is one of the descendants of this supernode.


public GraphElement getParent()
Description copied from class: Node
is the SuperState or the ProcessDefinition in which this node is contained.

getParent in class Node


public boolean isSuperStateNode()
Description copied from class: Node
indicates wether this node is a superstate.

isSuperStateNode in class Node

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