Interface Assignable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
SwimlaneInstance, TaskInstance

public interface Assignable

common superclass for TaskInstances and SwimlaneInstances used by the AssignmentHandler interface.

Method Summary
 void setActorId(java.lang.String actorId)
          sets the responsible for this assignable object.
 void setPooledActors(java.lang.String[] pooledActors)
          sets the resource pool for this assignable as a set of PooledActors.

Method Detail


void setActorId(java.lang.String actorId)
sets the responsible for this assignable object. Use this method to assign the task into a user's personal task list.


void setPooledActors(java.lang.String[] pooledActors)
sets the resource pool for this assignable as a set of PooledActors. Use this method to offer the task to a group of users. Each user in the group can then take the task by calling the setActorId(String).

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