jBPM Enterprise Configuration

jbpm.cfg.xml includes the following configuration items:

  <service name="persistence"
           factory="org.jbpm.persistence.jta.JtaDbPersistenceServiceFactory" />
  <service name="message"
           factory="org.jbpm.msg.jms.JmsMessageServiceFactory" />
  <service name="scheduler"
           factory="org.jbpm.scheduler.ejbtimer.EntitySchedulerServiceFactory" />

JtaDbPersistenceServiceFactory enables jBPM to participate in JTA transactions. If an existing transaction is underway, the JTA persistence service clings to it; otherwise it starts a new transaction. The jBPM enterprise beans are configured to delegate transaction management to the container. However, if you create a JbpmContext in an environment where no transaction is active (say, in a web application), one will be started automatically. The JTA persistence service factory has the configurable fields described below.

JmsMessageServiceFactory leverages the reliable communication infrastructure exposed through JMS interfaces to deliver asynchronous continuation messages to the JobListenerBean. The JMS message service factory exposes the following configurable fields.

EntitySchedulerServiceFactory builds on the transactional notification service for timed events provided by the EJB container to schedule business process timers. The EJB scheduler service factory has the configurable field described below.