Chapter 8. Java EE Application Server Facilities

Table of Contents

Enterprise Beans
jBPM Enterprise Configuration
Hibernate Enterprise Configuration
Client Components

The present chapter describes the facilities offered by jBPM to leverage the Java EE infrastructure.

Enterprise Beans

CommandServiceBean is a stateless session bean that executes jBPM commands by calling it's execute method within a separate jBPM context. The environment entries and resources available for customization are summarized in the table below.

Table 8.1. Command service bean environment

JbpmCfgResourceEnvironment EntryThe classpath resource from which to read the jBPM configuration. Optional, defaults to jbpm.cfg.xml.
ejb/TimerEntityBeanEJB ReferenceLink to the local entity bean that implements the scheduler service. Required for processes that contain timers.
jdbc/JbpmDataSourceResource Manager ReferenceLogical name of the data source that provides JDBC connections to the jBPM persistence service. Must match the hibernate.connection.datasource property in the Hibernate configuration file.
jms/JbpmConnectionFactoryResource Manager ReferenceLogical name of the factory that provides JMS connections to the jBPM message service. Required for processes that contain asynchronous continuations.
jms/JobQueueMessage Destination ReferenceThe jBPM message service sends job messages to the queue referenced here. To ensure this is the same queue from which the job listener bean receives messages, the message-destination-link points to a common logical destination, JobQueue.
jms/CommandQueueMessage Destination ReferenceThe command listener bean receives messages from the queue referenced here. To ensure this is the same queue to which command messages can be sent, the message-destination-link element points to a common logical destination, CommandQueue.

CommandListenerBean is a message-driven bean that listens on the CommandQueue for command messages. This bean delegates command execution to the CommandServiceBean.

The body of the message must be a Java object that implements the org.jbpm.Command interface. The message properties, if any, are ignored. If the message does not match the expected format, it is forwarded to the DeadLetterQueue. No further processing is done on the message. If the destination reference is absent, the message is rejected.

In case the received message specifies a replyTo destination, the result of the command execution is wrapped into an object message and sent there. The command connection factory environment reference indicates the resource manager that supplies JMS connections.

Conversely, JobListenerBean is a message-driven bean that listens on the JbpmJobQueue for job messages to support asynchronous continuations.

The message must have a property called jobId of type long which references a pending Job in the database. The message body, if any, is ignored.

This bean extends the CommandListenerBean and inherits its environment entries and resource references available for customization.

Table 8.2. Command/Job listener bean environment

ejb/LocalCommandServiceBeanEJB ReferenceLink to the local session bean that executes commands on a separate jBPM context.
jms/JbpmConnectionFactoryResource Manager ReferenceLogical name of the factory that provides JMS connections for producing result messages. Required for command messages that indicate a reply destination.
jms/DeadLetterQueueMessage Destination ReferenceMessages which do not contain a command are sent to the queue referenced here. Optional; if absent, such messages are rejected, which may cause the container to redeliver.

The TimerEntityBean interacts with the EJB timer service to schedule jBPM timers. Upon expiration, execution of the timer is actually delegated to the command service bean.

The timer entity bean requires access to the jBPM data source for reading timer data. The EJB deployment descriptor does not provide a way to define how an entity bean maps to a database. This is left off to the container provider. In JBoss AS, the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml descriptor defines the data source JNDI name and the relational mapping data (table and column names, among others). Note that the JBoss CMP descriptor uses a global JNDI name (java:JbpmDS), as opposed to a resource manager reference (java:comp/env/jdbc/JbpmDataSource).

Earlier versions of jBPM used a stateless session bean called TimerServiceBean to interact with the EJB timer service. The session approach had to be abandoned because there is an unavoidable bottleneck at the cancelation methods. Because session beans have no identity, the timer service is forced to iterate through all the timers for finding the ones it has to cancel. The bean is still around for backwards compatibility. It works under the same environment as the TimerEntityBean, so migration is easy.

Table 8.3. Timer entity/service bean environment

ejb/LocalCommandServiceBeanEJB ReferenceLink to the local session bean that executes timers on a separate jBPM context.