Changelog of version 4.x
Changes in the NodePaginatorConfig class.
New variable shard in the Document class.
New variable shard in the Mail class.
New variable shardVisible in the ProfileDocProperties class.
New variable shardVisible in the ProfileMailProperties class.
Added method
List<SqlReport> getSqlReports (bool active);
Stream executeSql (long rpId)
Document saveSql (long rpId, Dictionary<String, String> _params, String dstId, String docName)
New variable timeZone in the UserConfig class.
New variable onlineEditor in the UserConfig class.
New variable htmlEditor in the UserConfig class.
New variable liveEdit in the UserConfig class.
New variable stepIntoCreatedNode in the UserConfig class.
New variable type in the TextArea class.
Delete variable linkTarget in the Node class.
Delete variable restricted in the Node class.
Added method
String login (String personalAcccessToken)
String createPersonalAccessToken ( String name , DateTime expiration )
Added method
void sendMail (String to, String subject, String body)
Added methods
String importDocument (String uuid, DateTime? date, String author, FileInfo file);
String importFolder (String uuid, String name, DateTime? date, String author);
String importRecord (String uuid, String name, DateTime? date, String author);
Changed the internal implementation
The method getMailsPaginated now returns an object of type SimpleNodeBaseResultSet
Released 2024-07-18
Added method
bool optimize (String uuid)
Released 2024-06-12
Warning: The internal change in the functions, indicates their parameters are now sent in JSON format. This is a major API
New variable name in the WizardNode class.
New variable path in the WizardNode class.
New variable mailSent in the SimpleNodeBase class.
Has been removed the variable styleVisible in the ProfileFldProperties class.
Has been removed the variable style in the Folder class.
Added method
void liveEditCancelCheckout ( String uuid )
void liveEditForceCancelCheckout (String uuid)
Changed the internal implementation
void forceCancelCheckout (String uuid)
void cancelCheckout (String uuid)
void setIndexable (String uuid, bool enabled)
Deleted methods
ResultSet findPaginated (QueryParams queryParams, int offset, int limit, String propertiesPlugins);
ResultSet findPaginated (QueryParams queryParams, String sortField, bool sortReverse, int offset, int limit, String propertiesPlugin);
ResultSet findByQueryPaginated (String query, int offset, int limit, String propertiesPlugin);
ResultSet findByQueryPaginated (String query, String sortField, bool sortReverse, int offset, int limit, String propertiesPlugin);
Added method
List<WizardNode> findAllByUser ()
void cancelPostponedNode (String uuid)
void deleteByNode (String uuid)
Changed the internal implementation
addDigitalSignature (String uuid, int order)
addShowWizardCategories (String uuid, int order)
addShowWizardKeywords (String uuid, int order)
addShowWizardOCRDataCapture (String uuid, int order)
Added method
Folder create (String uuid, String name, long nodeClass)
Changed the internal implementation
String importFolder (String uuid, String name)
String importRecord (String uuid, String name)
Changed the internal implementation
void deleteAttachment (String uuid, String docId)
Changed the internal implementation
void unZip (String uuid, String dstId)
String generateDownloadToken (String uuid, bool preview, bool oneTimeUse, DateTime validUntil)
Changed the internal implementation
void removeKeyword (String uuid, String keyword)
Changed internal implementation
void stampImageManually (String uuid, long id, String exprX, String exprY, String range, String personalStampUuid)
void stampTextCustom ( String uuid , long stampTextId , String text , String exprX , String exprY , String range )
Released 2024-04-23
Added the variable pooledActors in the ITaskInstance class.
Released 2024-03-11
Delete AutodcadServive
Delete method
Dictionary<string, int> getKeywordMap (List<string> filter)
Add method
List<XRef> getXrefs (String uuid)
void refresh (String uuid)
Change method
Bookmark create (String uuid, String name)
Warning, this is a major update in the REST API that affects most of the PUT and POST implementations. The users who are accessing the REST API directly without the SDK should check if they are using one of the methods below:
void revokeRole (String uuid, String roleId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void revokeUser (String uuid, String userId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void grantRole (String uuid, String roleId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void grantUser (String uuid, String userId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void deleteUser (String userId)
void updateUser (String userId, String password, String email, String name, bool active)
void updateRole (String roleId, bool active)
void assignRole (String userId, String roleId)
void setUserProfile (String userId, long profileId)
void setUserPermissions (String uuid, String userId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void setRolePermissions (String uuid, String roleId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void setUserTenant (long tenantId)
InputStream getTwoFactorQR (String secret)
String validate2FAAndSaveSecret (String secret, int code)
String disable2FA ()
void create (String uuid, String name)
void rename (int bookmarkId, String name)
Document rename (String uuid, String newName)
void setProperties (String uuid, String title, String description, String lang, List<String> keywords, List<String> categories)
void setLanguage (String uuid, String lang)
void setTitle (String uuid, String title)
void setNodeClass (String uuid, long ncId)
void setDispositionStage (String uuid, long stage)
Document copy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
Document extendedCopy (String uuid, String dstId, String name, bool categories, bool keywords, bool propertyGroups, bool notes, bool security)
void setDescription (String uuid, String description)
String mergePdf (String destinationUuid, String docName, List<String> uuids)
Document saveAsPdf (String uuid, String newName, bool propertyGroups, bool security)
void liveEditCheckin (String uuid, String comment, int increment)
Folder rename (String uuid, String newName)
Folder copy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
Folder extendedCopy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName, bool categories, bool keywords, bool propertyGroups, bool notes, bool security)
void setStyle (String uuid, long styleId)
void createMissingFolders (String fldPath)
void setDescription (String uuid, String description)
void rename (String uuid, String newName)
Mail copy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
Mail extendedCopy (String uuid, String dstId, bool categories, bool keywords, bool propertyGroups, bool notes, bool security, String newName)
void setNodeClass (String uuid, long ncId)
void setDispositionStage (String uuid, long stage)
void setTitle (String uuid, String title)
void setDescription (String uuid, String description)
void addAccount (MailAccount mailAccount)
void updateAccount (MailAccount mailAccount)
void importMessages (long mailAccountId, List<Long> messageIds)
void createFilter (long mailAccountId, MailFilter mailFilter)
void updateFilter (MailFilter mailFilter)
void createRule (long filterId, MailFilterRule rule)
void updateRule (MailFilterRule rule)
void forwardEmail (String uuid, List<String> users, List<String> roles, List<String> mails, String message)
Document saveAsPdf (String uuid, String newName, bool propertyGroups, bool security)
void renameVersion (String uuid, String versionName, String newName)
void setComment (String uuid, String versionName, String comment)
Note add (String uuid, String text)
void set (String noteId, String text)
void notify (List<String> uuids, List<String> users, List<String> roles, List<String> mails, String message, bool attachment)
void addCategory (String uuid, String catId)
void addKeyword (String uuid, String keyword)
void setEncryption (String uuid, String cipherName)
void setSigned (String uuid, bool signed)
Record create (String uuid, String name, String title, long nodeClass)
Record rename (String uuid, String newName)
Record copy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
void setTitle (String uuid, String title)
void setNodeClass (String uuid, long ncId)
void setDispositionStage (String uuid, long stage)
void setDescription (String uuid, String description)
Record extendedCopy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName, bool categories, bool keywords, bool propertyGroups, bool notes, bool security)
WizardNode createWizard (String uuid, String name, String title, long nodeClass)
void createMissingRecords (String recPath)
void add (String nodeAId, String nodeBId, long relTypeId)
void addGroup (String uuid, String groupName, long type)
void addNodeToGroup (String uuid, long groupId)
void setGroupName (long groupId, String groupName)
void copyAttributes (String uuid, String dstId, bool categories, bool keywords, bool propertyGroups, bool notes)
Task create (String subject, String start, String end, String description, long statusId, long projectId, long typeId, String user, List<String> notificationUsers, List<String> externalUsers, List<String> relatedDocuments, List<String> relatedFolders, List<String> relatedRecords, List<String> relatedMails, String repeatExpression, String repeatUntil, String formatDate, int repeatTimes, String reminderStartUnit, int reminderStartValue, String reminderEndUnit, int reminderEndValue)
Task update (long taskId, String subject, String start, String end, String description, long statusId, long projectId, long typeId, String user, List<String> notificationUsers, List<String> externalUsers, List<String> relatedDocuments, List<String> relatedFolders, List<String> relatedRecords, List<String> relatedMails, String owner, String repeatExpression, String repeatUntil, String formatDate, int repeatTimes, int progress, String reminderStartUnit, int reminderStartValue, String reminderEndUnit, int reminderEndValue)
TaskProject createProject (String name, bool active, String description)
TaskProject updateProject (long projectId, bool active, String name, String description)
TaskType createType (String name, bool active, String description)
TaskType updateType (long typeId, bool active, String name, String description)
TaskStatus createStatus (String name, bool finish)
TaskStatus createStatus (String name, bool finish)
TaskStatus updateStatus (long statusId, String name, bool finish)
TaskNote createNote (long taskId, String text)
TaskNote updateNote (long noteId, String text)
void setHome (String uuid)
void postponeNode (String uuid, Datetime date)
void addGroup (String uuid, String group, int order)
void removeGroup (String uuid, String group)
void addWorkflow (String uuid, String workflow, int order)
void removeWorkflow (String uuid, String workflow)
void setTaskInstanceActorId (long tiId, String actorId)
void endTaskInstance (long tiId, String transName)
Released 2024-01-23
New variable roles in the StampImage class.
New variable roles in the StampText class.
New variable roles in the StampBarcode class.
Released 2024-01-15
New variables propertyGroups and security in the TemplateParams class.
New method
Document createDocumentFromTemplate (String uuid, String dstPath, bool categories, bool keywords, bool notes, bool security, Dictionary<String, String> properties);
New method
Folder createFolderFromTemplate (String uuid, String dstPath, bool categories, bool keywords, bool notes, bool propertyGroups, bool security, Dictionary<String, String> properties);
New method
Record createRecordFromTemplate (String uuid, String dstPath, bool categories, bool keywords, bool notes, bool propertyGroups, bool security, Dictionary<String, String> properties);
Released 2023-11-23
New variable publicUrlVisible in the ProfileDocProperties class.
New variable publicUrlVisible in the ProfileFldProperties class.
New variable publicUrlVisible in the ProfileMailProperties class.
New variable publicUrlVisible in the ProfileRecProperties class.
Added logs in the Auth class.
New method
insertPages(String uuid, String srcId, int sourceFromPage, int sourceToPage, int insertFromPage) to insert pages in a PDF.
Released 2023-11-20
There are a lot of changes between SDK version 3.x and 4.X; the most important considerations for migration between versions are:
All the methods deprecated in the version 3.x have been removed.
It has been refactorized a lot of methods, for example, the method ws.folder.deleteFolder has been renamed to ws.folder.delete .
Deprecated method ws.document.lockDocument in favour of ws.node.lock .
Deprecated method ws.document.unlockDocument in favour of ws.node.unlock .
Deprecated method ws.document.forceUnlockDocument in favour of ws.node.forceUnlockDocument .
Deprecated method ws.document.isLocked in favour of ws.node.isLocked .
Deprecated method ws.document.getLockInfo in favour of ws.node.getLockInfo .
Deprecated method ws.document.forceLock in favour of ws.node.forceLock .
Deprecated method ws.record.lockRecord in favour of ws.node.lock .
Deprecated method ws.record.unlockRecord in favour of ws.node.unlock .
Deprecated method ws.record.forceUnlockRecord in favour of ws.node.forceUnlock .
Deprecated method ws.record.forceLockRecord in favour of ws.node.forceLock .
Deprecated method ws.repository.getThesaurusFolder .
Changelog of version 4.x
Changes in the NodePaginatorConfig class.
New variable shard in the Document class.
New variable shard in the Mail class.
New variable shardVisible in the ProfileDocProperties class.
New variable shardVisible in the ProfileMailProperties class.
Added method
List<SqlReport> getSqlReports (bool active);
Stream executeSql (long rpId)
Document saveSql (long rpId, Dictionary<String, String> _params, String dstId, String docName)
New variable timeZone in the UserConfig class.
New variable onlineEditor in the UserConfig class.
New variable htmlEditor in the UserConfig class.
New variable liveEdit in the UserConfig class.
New variable stepIntoCreatedNode in the UserConfig class.
New variable type in the TextArea class.
Delete variable linkTarget in the Node class.
Delete variable restricted in the Node class.
Added method
String login (String personalAcccessToken)
String createPersonalAccessToken ( String name , DateTime expiration )
Added method
void sendMail (String to, String subject, String body)
Added methods
String importDocument (String uuid, DateTime? date, String author, FileInfo file);
String importFolder (String uuid, String name, DateTime? date, String author);
String importRecord (String uuid, String name, DateTime? date, String author);
Changed the internal implementation
The method getMailsPaginated now returns an object of type SimpleNodeBaseResultSet
Released 2024-07-18
Added method
bool optimize (String uuid)
Released 2024-06-12
Warning: The internal change in the functions, indicates their parameters are now sent in JSON format. This is a major API
New variable name in the WizardNode class.
New variable path in the WizardNode class.
New variable mailSent in the SimpleNodeBase class.
Has been removed the variable styleVisible in the ProfileFldProperties class.
Has been removed the variable style in the Folder class.
Added method
void liveEditCancelCheckout ( String uuid )
void liveEditForceCancelCheckout (String uuid)
Changed the internal implementation
void forceCancelCheckout (String uuid)
void cancelCheckout (String uuid)
void setIndexable (String uuid, bool enabled)
Deleted methods
ResultSet findPaginated (QueryParams queryParams, int offset, int limit, String propertiesPlugins);
ResultSet findPaginated (QueryParams queryParams, String sortField, bool sortReverse, int offset, int limit, String propertiesPlugin);
ResultSet findByQueryPaginated (String query, int offset, int limit, String propertiesPlugin);
ResultSet findByQueryPaginated (String query, String sortField, bool sortReverse, int offset, int limit, String propertiesPlugin);
Added method
List<WizardNode> findAllByUser ()
void cancelPostponedNode (String uuid)
void deleteByNode (String uuid)
Changed the internal implementation
addDigitalSignature (String uuid, int order)
addShowWizardCategories (String uuid, int order)
addShowWizardKeywords (String uuid, int order)
addShowWizardOCRDataCapture (String uuid, int order)
Added method
Folder create (String uuid, String name, long nodeClass)
Changed the internal implementation
String importFolder (String uuid, String name)
String importRecord (String uuid, String name)
Changed the internal implementation
void deleteAttachment (String uuid, String docId)
Changed the internal implementation
void unZip (String uuid, String dstId)
String generateDownloadToken (String uuid, bool preview, bool oneTimeUse, DateTime validUntil)
Changed the internal implementation
void removeKeyword (String uuid, String keyword)
Changed internal implementation
void stampImageManually (String uuid, long id, String exprX, String exprY, String range, String personalStampUuid)
void stampTextCustom ( String uuid , long stampTextId , String text , String exprX , String exprY , String range )
Released 2024-04-23
Added the variable pooledActors in the ITaskInstance class.
Released 2024-03-11
Delete AutodcadServive
Delete method
Dictionary<string, int> getKeywordMap (List<string> filter)
Add method
List<XRef> getXrefs (String uuid)
void refresh (String uuid)
Change method
Bookmark create (String uuid, String name)
Warning, this is a major update in the REST API that affects most of the PUT and POST implementations. The users who are accessing the REST API directly without the SDK should check if they are using one of the methods below:
void revokeRole (String uuid, String roleId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void revokeUser (String uuid, String userId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void grantRole (String uuid, String roleId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void grantUser (String uuid, String userId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void deleteUser (String userId)
void updateUser (String userId, String password, String email, String name, bool active)
void updateRole (String roleId, bool active)
void assignRole (String userId, String roleId)
void setUserProfile (String userId, long profileId)
void setUserPermissions (String uuid, String userId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void setRolePermissions (String uuid, String roleId, int permissions, bool recursive)
void setUserTenant (long tenantId)
InputStream getTwoFactorQR (String secret)
String validate2FAAndSaveSecret (String secret, int code)
String disable2FA ()
void create (String uuid, String name)
void rename (int bookmarkId, String name)
Document rename (String uuid, String newName)
void setProperties (String uuid, String title, String description, String lang, List<String> keywords, List<String> categories)
void setLanguage (String uuid, String lang)
void setTitle (String uuid, String title)
void setNodeClass (String uuid, long ncId)
void setDispositionStage (String uuid, long stage)
Document copy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
Document extendedCopy (String uuid, String dstId, String name, bool categories, bool keywords, bool propertyGroups, bool notes, bool security)
void setDescription (String uuid, String description)
String mergePdf (String destinationUuid, String docName, List<String> uuids)
Document saveAsPdf (String uuid, String newName, bool propertyGroups, bool security)
void liveEditCheckin (String uuid, String comment, int increment)
Folder rename (String uuid, String newName)
Folder copy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
Folder extendedCopy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName, bool categories, bool keywords, bool propertyGroups, bool notes, bool security)
void setStyle (String uuid, long styleId)
void createMissingFolders (String fldPath)
void setDescription (String uuid, String description)
void rename (String uuid, String newName)
Mail copy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
Mail extendedCopy (String uuid, String dstId, bool categories, bool keywords, bool propertyGroups, bool notes, bool security, String newName)
void setNodeClass (String uuid, long ncId)
void setDispositionStage (String uuid, long stage)
void setTitle (String uuid, String title)
void setDescription (String uuid, String description)
void addAccount (MailAccount mailAccount)
void updateAccount (MailAccount mailAccount)
void importMessages (long mailAccountId, List<Long> messageIds)
void createFilter (long mailAccountId, MailFilter mailFilter)
void updateFilter (MailFilter mailFilter)
void createRule (long filterId, MailFilterRule rule)
void updateRule (MailFilterRule rule)
void forwardEmail (String uuid, List<String> users, List<String> roles, List<String> mails, String message)
Document saveAsPdf (String uuid, String newName, bool propertyGroups, bool security)
void renameVersion (String uuid, String versionName, String newName)
void setComment (String uuid, String versionName, String comment)
Note add (String uuid, String text)
void set (String noteId, String text)
void notify (List<String> uuids, List<String> users, List<String> roles, List<String> mails, String message, bool attachment)
void addCategory (String uuid, String catId)
void addKeyword (String uuid, String keyword)
void setEncryption (String uuid, String cipherName)
void setSigned (String uuid, bool signed)
Record create (String uuid, String name, String title, long nodeClass)
Record rename (String uuid, String newName)
Record copy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName)
void setTitle (String uuid, String title)
void setNodeClass (String uuid, long ncId)
void setDispositionStage (String uuid, long stage)
void setDescription (String uuid, String description)
Record extendedCopy (String uuid, String dstId, String newName, bool categories, bool keywords, bool propertyGroups, bool notes, bool security)
WizardNode createWizard (String uuid, String name, String title, long nodeClass)
void createMissingRecords (String recPath)
void add (String nodeAId, String nodeBId, long relTypeId)
void addGroup (String uuid, String groupName, long type)
void addNodeToGroup (String uuid, long groupId)
void setGroupName (long groupId, String groupName)
void copyAttributes (String uuid, String dstId, bool categories, bool keywords, bool propertyGroups, bool notes)
Task create (String subject, String start, String end, String description, long statusId, long projectId, long typeId, String user, List<String> notificationUsers, List<String> externalUsers, List<String> relatedDocuments, List<String> relatedFolders, List<String> relatedRecords, List<String> relatedMails, String repeatExpression, String repeatUntil, String formatDate, int repeatTimes, String reminderStartUnit, int reminderStartValue, String reminderEndUnit, int reminderEndValue)
Task update (long taskId, String subject, String start, String end, String description, long statusId, long projectId, long typeId, String user, List<String> notificationUsers, List<String> externalUsers, List<String> relatedDocuments, List<String> relatedFolders, List<String> relatedRecords, List<String> relatedMails, String owner, String repeatExpression, String repeatUntil, String formatDate, int repeatTimes, int progress, String reminderStartUnit, int reminderStartValue, String reminderEndUnit, int reminderEndValue)
TaskProject createProject (String name, bool active, String description)
TaskProject updateProject (long projectId, bool active, String name, String description)
TaskType createType (String name, bool active, String description)
TaskType updateType (long typeId, bool active, String name, String description)
TaskStatus createStatus (String name, bool finish)
TaskStatus createStatus (String name, bool finish)
TaskStatus updateStatus (long statusId, String name, bool finish)
TaskNote createNote (long taskId, String text)
TaskNote updateNote (long noteId, String text)
void setHome (String uuid)
void postponeNode (String uuid, Datetime date)
void addGroup (String uuid, String group, int order)
void removeGroup (String uuid, String group)
void addWorkflow (String uuid, String workflow, int order)
void removeWorkflow (String uuid, String workflow)
void setTaskInstanceActorId (long tiId, String actorId)
void endTaskInstance (long tiId, String transName)
Released 2024-01-23
New variable roles in the StampImage class.
New variable roles in the StampText class.
New variable roles in the StampBarcode class.
Released 2024-01-15
New variables propertyGroups and security in the TemplateParams class.
New method
Document createDocumentFromTemplate (String uuid, String dstPath, bool categories, bool keywords, bool notes, bool security, Dictionary<String, String> properties);
New method
Folder createFolderFromTemplate (String uuid, String dstPath, bool categories, bool keywords, bool notes, bool propertyGroups, bool security, Dictionary<String, String> properties);
New method
Record createRecordFromTemplate (String uuid, String dstPath, bool categories, bool keywords, bool notes, bool propertyGroups, bool security, Dictionary<String, String> properties);
Released 2023-11-23
New variable publicUrlVisible in the ProfileDocProperties class.
New variable publicUrlVisible in the ProfileFldProperties class.
New variable publicUrlVisible in the ProfileMailProperties class.
New variable publicUrlVisible in the ProfileRecProperties class.
Added logs in the Auth class.
New method
insertPages(String uuid, String srcId, int sourceFromPage, int sourceToPage, int insertFromPage) to insert pages in a PDF.
Released 2023-11-20
There are a lot of changes between SDK version 3.x and 4.X; the most important considerations for migration between versions are:
All the methods deprecated in the version 3.x have been removed.
It has been refactorized a lot of methods, for example, the method ws.folder.deleteFolder has been renamed to ws.folder.delete .
Deprecated method ws.document.lockDocument in favour of ws.node.lock .
Deprecated method ws.document.unlockDocument in favour of ws.node.unlock .
Deprecated method ws.document.forceUnlockDocument in favour of ws.node.forceUnlockDocument .
Deprecated method ws.document.isLocked in favour of ws.node.isLocked .
Deprecated method ws.document.getLockInfo in favour of ws.node.getLockInfo .
Deprecated method ws.document.forceLock in favour of ws.node.forceLock .
Deprecated method ws.record.lockRecord in favour of ws.node.lock .
Deprecated method ws.record.unlockRecord in favour of ws.node.unlock .
Deprecated method ws.record.forceUnlockRecord in favour of ws.node.forceUnlock .
Deprecated method ws.record.forceLockRecord in favour of ws.node.forceLock .
Deprecated method ws.repository.getThesaurusFolder .