Profile General tab

General section



The name of the profile.

Two profiles cannot share the same name.


Sets profile enabled or not.

Misc section


Quota limit (MB)

Sets the total maximum size of documents that a user can upload.

Value 0 indicate unlimited.

Helps the administrator to take control of the repository growth, and detect user's abuse.

Advanced filters

Enables search filtering on users and roles popup view.

Helps to find roles or user in a large list.

Web skin

 Sets the default skin ( css styles applied ).

Info message

Print preview

Enables or disables printing funtion.

Keywords enabled

Enables or disables keywords shortcuts.

Upload notify users

Shows or hides user notification on upload popup.

Notify external users

Enables or disables send notifications to external users.

By default the application is restricted to mail user's addresses.

For example, sending documents to an external mail address.

Browser plugin preview

When enabled, preview is based on browser pdf render capability.

Increase version

When enabled, users can choose between document  upload as minor version or major version.


Sets the enabled extensions for the profile.


Sets the enabled reports for the profile.


Sets the available workflows for the profile.

Chat section



Enables or disables chat.

Auto login

When enabled the user is automatically logged in chat as part of login process.

Wizard section

The Wizard only takes effect when uploading a new document, not when updating and existing.

In case an automation definition is present, these parameters has no effect.

The automation feature covers all these cases and more.



Sets a metadata that will be required to be filled as part of uploading a new document.


Sets a workflows that will be executed as part of uploading a new document.

Some workflows require initial fields filled at the begining, but not all.


When enabled the application will ask user to add keywords as part of uploading a new document.

User can skip this step without adding any keyword.


When enabled the application will ask user to add categories as part of uploading a new document.

User can skip this step without adding any category.

Pagination section

Pagination control



Enables or disable pagination on file explorer view.

Page list

Sets the distinct values in what will be shown in number of elements per page.

For example the value "10;25;50;100" set that maximum number of element per page can be 10, 25, 50 or 100.

On the user view, the user can choose one of these options.

When pagination is enabled at least one value must be set

To separate the distinct values must be used the caracter ";"

Type filter

When enabled a filter by type is shown, this helps the user to show only documents, folders, records or mails at the same time. *

Misc filter

Advanced filter helps on filtering by some fields:

  • name
  • title
  • range of sizes
  • range of dates
  • author
  • version

When extra metadata columns are show in file explorer, they are also available here.

Show folders by default

By default shows or hides folders. *

Show documents by default

By default shows or hides document. *

Show mails by default

By default shows or hides mails. *

Show records by default

By default shows or hides records. *

* When type filter is enabled the options show folders by default etc... they must be active, otherwise they are not taken in consideration and all types are shown.