Changelog v2.x
Scanner Tool 2.x
- Released 2020-10-30
- Update OKMRest version 2.7.0 (compatible with OpenKM version Version 6.4.52 and upper)
- Generate the path to documents by changing the "Shell Folders" registry key to "User Shell Folder".
- Updating the translations file.
- Released 2019-04-09
- Bugs
- Validation of the host URL for methods using System.Net.Http in the SDK to .net.
- Released 2018-12-21
- Allow select multiple in metadata fields.
- Released 2018-11-16
- Allows downloading documents from OpenKM.
- Updated tools:
- Net Framework 4.5.2
- Bug SDK:
- When uploading a document that already exists, request if you want to update and not replace.
- Upload, download and update large files. Affected methods: createDocumetSimple, getContent and check-in.
- Released 2018-09-14
- Update:
- OKMRest version 2.6.0
- Released 2017-09-06
- Main form:
- Implement a split button "Scan" with the options:
- Scan and convert to images.
- Scan and convert batch to PDF.
- Scan and convert to individual PDFs.
- Change of images and the main icon.
- Implement a split button "Scan" with the options:
- Server configuration:
- Added option to enable/disable metadata selection form.
- Improve the portion of how translations are loaded.
- Group4 compress form:
- Removed "Convert directly to PDF" option.
- Bugs:
- Dynamic location of the progress panel according to the size of the main form.
- Error uploading files with a long destination path.
- Released 2016-10-28
Main form:
- Removed the button Change.
- Enable click event on "OKM Path" label for opening the tree popup.
New compression group4 configuration:
- Force fit to A4 format.
- Bugs:
- Improvement in the preview of the images.
- Released 2016-05-02.
Server Configuration:
- Use REST services to connect OpenKM.
- Has been removed the field OpenKM Version.
- Released 2015-12-04.
Main form:
- Replace ban symbol from Toolbar Buttons by gray tonality.
- Bugs:
- Delete more sheets than exist.
- Released 2015-11-05.
Scanner configuration:
- Add support for duplex scanning.
- Add options: Scale, Horizontal align (Left, Center, Right), Brightness and Contrast.
- Allow selecting either whether to use the default configuration or the native UI of agreement to the controller.