Project Add-in

Project Addin enables users to upload new files and edit existing OpenKM files.

To upload a new file, choose a destination folder from the OpenKM tree view.

The OpenKM Project Add-in detects if the document opened by a user is an OpenKM file and enables or disables some toolbar options.

Office Add-ins are compatible from version 2003 to version 2019.

 After installing the Project add-in, a new menu item "OpenKM" will appear in Project.

Detail of the functions according to their icons:


Addin configuration.

Add new document

Document edit ( check-out )

Upload modified document (check-in)

Cancel document edit


Configure OpenKM Add-In

First, you must select the Configuration menu item to set your configuration values to access OpenKM from the client computer.

Language Select MS Addin user interface language.



User id for accessing OpenKM.




The password of the user.




OpenKM url.

Add metadata


To enable/disable metadata selection form.

After you set your configuration values, a folder named OpenKM is created in your user My documents folder. In this OpenKM folder, a configuration file named openkm.xml and another file called document.xml are created. The OpenKM Add-in it uses to store some document editing information. You should not edit or delete these files.

Uploading a new file

Click on the  add new document button, a folder tree view will be shown. You must choose the folder where you want to upload the file.

Click on the Send Button and after that the document will be uploaded to OpenKM and a notification message will be shown.

If you have activated the option "Add metadata" in the configuration, it will allow you to select and fill in the corresponding data.
In the case of having multiple selection metadata to mark and unmark all options, you can use the key combination "Ctrl" + "E" and "Supr" respectively.

Editing an OpenKM document

lick on the  document edit button, a folder navigator will appear. You must navigate across folders and choose a document that you want to edit.

When you've got some OpenKM document opened, the  Upload modified document (check-in) and  Cancel document edit toolbar options will be enabled.

  • To upload modified document, use the Upload modified document (check-in) toolbar button.

Insert a comment for the version and press the OK button.

  • To cancel document editing, use the  Cancel document edit toolbar button.

After editing, your local document copy will be deleted to prevent user mistakes.


In My Documents/OpenKM there's a file log named ProjectAddin.log with a complete log trace.