Changelog v1.x
- Released x
- Stamp
- New functions
- stampTextCustom({ uuid, id, text, exprX, exprY, range })
- New functions
- Released 2023-05-05
- Updated the npm repository URL, take a look at the documentation
- PropertyGroup
- Updated functions
- getPropertyGroupFormDefinition({ grpName, useDefaultValue, uuid })
- pay attention because the previous function was with parameters getPropertyGroupFormDefinition(grpName, useDefaultValue), and now it uses an object { grpName, useDefaultValue, uuid }.
- getPropertyGroupFormDefinition({ grpName, useDefaultValue, uuid })
- Updated functions
- Auth
- New functions
- getHasTaskManagerAdmin(userId)
- New functions
- Released 2023-03-30
- Search
- Updated functions
- saveSearch({queryName, query, name, title, description, keywords, categories, content, mimeType, language, author, folder,folderRecursive, lastModifiedFrom, lastModifiedTo, mailSubject, mailFrom, mailTo, notes, statementQuery, statementType,dashboard, nodeClass, promotedAsRecord, domain, properties, sortField, sortReverse})
- Updated functions
- Relation
- Updated functions
- getAllRelationGroups(relationId, offset, limit, filter)
- Updated functions
- Workflow
- New functions
- getSuggestBoxKeyValue(uuid, pdId, taskName, propertyName, key) return the suggestbox value for the key
- getSuggestBoxKeyValuesFiltered(uuid, pdId, taskName, propertyName, filter) return a list of suggestbox values filtered
- New functions
- Released 2023-01-30
- Search
- New functions
- find({ content, name, domain, keywords, categories, properties, author, language, mimeType, title, description, notes, lastModifiedFrom, lastModifiedTo, mailSubject, mailFrom, mailTo, folder, folderRecursive, promotedAsRecord, nodeClass, sortField, sortReverse, propertiesPlugin}) returns a list of nodes what acomplish with the query
- New functions
- Repository
- New functions
- getRepositoryUuid() returns the application ID.
- New functions
- Mail
- New functions
- sendMail(content, from, to, subject) sends an email.
- Updated functions
- sendMailWithAttachments({uuid, content, from, to, cc, bcc, replyTo, subject, docsId})
- New functions
- Node
- Updated functions
- generateDownloadToken(uuid, preview, oneTimeUse, validUntil)
- Updated functions
- Released 2022-11-15
- Task
- Updated functions
- getAssigned({ projectId, typeId, statusId, orderColumn, orderAsc, offset, limit, from, to, subject })
- getActive({ projectId, typeId, statusId, orderColumn, orderAsc, offset, limit, from, to, subject })
- getFinished({ projectId, typeId, statusId, orderColumn, orderAsc, offset, limit, from, to, subject })
- getNotified({ projectId, typeId, statusId, orderColumn, orderAsc, offset, limit, from, to, subject })
- Updated functions
- Released 2022-10-20
- Wizard
- New functions
- The function hasWizard(uuid) returns true when the node has a wizard.
- The function getWizard(uuid) returns the wizard value of a node.
- New functions
- Search
- New functions
- The function getSearchPlugins() returns a list of search plugins.
- The function getSearchConfig(pluginName) returns the configuration of a search plugin.
- New functions
- PropertyGroup
- New functions
- The function getChildren(uuid) returns a list of mail nodes with the same parent node.
- New functions
- Wizard
- New functions
- The function findByUserAndUuid(uuid) returns the wizard of a node
- The function hasWizardByUserAndNode(uuid) returns true when the node has wizard otherwise false.
- New functions
- Released 2022-08-31
- Document
- Updated function
- The function mergePdf returns the UUID of the node merged
- Updated function
- Mail
- Fix bug in function testConnection in some cases raises error 503
- PropertyGroup
- New functions
- validateField(value, className, uuids)
- New functions
- Released 2022-07-04
- Auth
- Fix bug in function overwriteSecurity was requesting wrong URL.
- Document
- Fix bug in function liveEditCheckin with the variable increment.
- New functions
- getOnlineEditRestrictedMimeTypes()
- liveEditCancelCheckout(uuid, force)
- Mail
- Fixed bug in the function testConnection, the variable mailFolder must be sent encoded.
- PropertyGroup
- Updated functions
- getPropertyGroupFormDefinition(grpName, useDefaultValue)
- Updated functions
- Released 2022-05-10
- Document
- New functions
- setIndexable(uuid, enabled)
- createDocument(uuid, file, increment)
- Updated functions
- savePdf(uuid, newName, propertyGroups, security)
- extendedCopy(uuid, dstId, newName, categories, keywords, notes, propertyGroups, security) removed attribute wiki
- New functions
- Folder
- Updated functions
- extendedCopy(uuid, dstId, newName, categories, keywords, notes, propertyGroups, security) removed attribute wiki
- Updated functions
- Record
- Updated functions
- extendedCopy(uuid, dstId, newName, categories, keywords, notes, propertyGroups, security) removed attribute wiki
- Updated functions
- Mail
- Updated functions
- savePdf(uuid, newName, propertyGroups, security)
- extendedCopy(uuid, dstId, newName, categories, keywords, notes, propertyGroups, security) removed attribute wiki
- Updated functions
- Dashboard
- New functions
- getUserLastCreatedDocumentsNotes(offset, limit)
- New functions
- Search
- Updated functions
- getUserSearchs renamed to getUserSearches
- getAllSearchs renamed to getAllSearches
saveSearch({ queryName, query, name, title, description, keywords, categories, content, mimeType, language, author, folder, folderRecursive,lastModifiedFrom, lastModifiedTo, mailSubject, mailFrom, mailTo, notes, statementQuery, statementType, dashboard, nodeClass, promotedAsRecord,domain, properties })
- Updated functions
- Released 2022-02-24