Linux backup and restore with rdiff-backup tool

Rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network. The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are stored in a special subdirectory of that target directory, so you can still recover files lost some time ago.

The idea is to combine the best features of a mirror and an incremental backup. rdiff-backup also preserves subdirectories, hard links, dev files, permissions, uid/gid ownership, modification times, extended attributes, acls, and resource forks.

Also, rdiff-backup can operate in a bandwidth efficient manner over a pipe, like rsync. Thus you can use rdiff-backup and ssh to securely back a hard drive up to a remote location, and only the differences will be transmitted.  

If you need to backup to CIFS (SMB, Samba) or Mac's HFS, please take a look at rdiff-backup FAQ.

Debian & Ubuntu

This utility is included in the software repository, so to install just run as root:

$ apt-get install rdiff-backup

Rdiff-backup from Debian issues a warning message due to a deprecated method [os.popen2 is deprecated], which can be hidden following the steps at How to shut up Python deprecation warnings.

CentOS & RedHat

In this case, the application is not included in the default software repository so you need to make use of the EPEL repository:

$ rpm -Uvh

$ yum update

$ yum install rdiff-backup


In these scripts are assumed these default values:

  • $TOMCAT_HOME value is "/home/openkm/tomcat"
  • OpenKM database is named "okmdb".
  • OpenKM database password value is "*secret*".
  • OpenKM start & stop service script location is "/etc/init.d/tomcat"

Sample script

As a good practice the backup should be done by root user.

The script below does a backup to USB and the application database is MySQL.

USB disk mount point can be defined in /etc/fstab as:

/dev/sdb1    /mnt/backup    ext4    defaults    0    0

These are the global script sections:

  • Global var configuration under ## BEGIN CONFIG ## section.
  • Checking user root under # Check root user section.
  • Deleting older database backup # Delete older local database backup  section.
  • Mount disk  ( optional section ) under # Mount disk section.
  • Stop application ( optional section ) under  # Stop tomcat section.
  • Clean logs ( optional section ) under # Clean logs section.
  • Backup the database to the filesystem under #Backup database section.
  • Backup repository and database dump to backup destination under #Backup and purge old backups section.
  • Start application ( optional section ) # Start tomcat section.
  • Show statistics ( optional section ) # Status section.
  • Umount disk ( optional section ) under # Umount disk section.

Configuration parameters explanation:



The server host name.


The database password.

The datase user to do backup is always root user.


The application database name.

Usually will be named "okmdb".


The openkm home folder.


The tomcat home folder.

Usually into OPENKM_HOME folder.


The database dump folder.

Usually into the same server.


 Backup destination. In case of a remote server, the form is user@server::/path/to/backup

Create a backup script /root/

$ sudo su

$ vim /root/

HOST=$(uname -n)

# Check root user 
if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then echo "You should run this script as root"; exit; fi

# Delete older local database backup  
echo -e "### BEGIN: $(date +"%x %X") ###\n"
mkdir -p $DATABASE_EXP
# Mount disk
if mount | grep "$BACKUP_DIR type" > /dev/null; then
  echo "$BACKUP_DIR already mounted";
  mount "$BACKUP_DIR";
if mount | grep "$BACKUP_DIR type" > /dev/null; then echo "$BACKUP_DIR mounted"; else echo "$BACKUP_DIR error mounting"; exit -1; fi fi # Stop Tomcat /etc/init.d/tomcat stop # Clean logs #echo "Clean Tomcat temporal files." #rm -rf $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/* #rm -rf $TOMCAT_HOME/temp/* #rm -rf $TOMCAT_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost # Backup database if [ -n "$DATABASE_PASS" ]; then echo "* Backuping MySQL data from $OPENKM_DB..." mysqldump -h localhost -u root -p$DATABASE_PASS $OPENKM_DB > $DATABASE_EXP/mysql_$OPENKM_DB.sql echo "-------------------------------------"; fi # Backup and purge old backups rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 30B $BACKUP_DIR/$HOST rdiff-backup -v 3 --print-statistics --include $OPENKM_HOME --exclude '**' / $BACKUP_DIR/$HOST # Start Tomcat /etc/init.d/tomcat start echo -e "\n### END: $(date +"%x %X") ###" # Status echo "================================="; rdiff-backup --list-increment-sizes $BACKUP_DIR/$HOST echo "*********************************"; df -h | grep "$BACKUP_DIR" echo "================================="; # Umount disk sync umount "$BACKUP_DIR"

Increase the backup period

Modify the # Backup and purge old backups section increasing the parameter value:

The "30B" value indicate that will be able to restore a full backup of any of the last 30 days, increasing to "90B" will indicate any of the last 90 days, etc...

--remove-older-than 90B

Do remote backup

Modify the # Backup and purge old backups section.

The backup@server indicate remote "server" accessed by user "backup".

# Backup and purge old backups
rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 30B backup@server::$BACKUP_DIR/$HOST
rdiff-backup -v 3 --print-statistics --include $FILES --exclude '**' / backup@server::$BACKUP_DIR/$HOST

Also could be only modified the ## Config section, for example:


And keep the # Backup and purge old backups intact.

# Backup and purge old backups
rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 30B $BACKUP_DIR/$HOST

Do remote backup to SMB or CIFS

Modify the # Mount disk section.

# Mount disk
if mount | grep "$BACKUP_DIR type" > /dev/null; then
  echo "$BACKUP_DIR already mounted";
  echo "Mounting $BACKUP_DIR ...";
  mount -t cifs //REMOTE_SERVER/REMOTE_DIR $BACKUP_DIR -o username=REMOTE_USER,password=REMOTE_PASSWORD,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
if mount | grep "$BACKUP_DIR type" > /dev/null; then echo "$BACKUP_DIR mounted"; else echo "Error mounting $BACKUP_DIR."; exit -1; fi fi

Do PostgreSQL backup

Modify the # Backup database section

# Backup de PostgreSQL
echo "* Backuping PostgreSQL data from $OPENKM_DB..."
su postgres -c "pg_dump $OPENKM_DB" > $DATABASE_EXP/pg_$OPENKM_DB.sql
# Databases optimizations
su postgres -c "vacuumdb -a -z" > /dev/null
su postgres -c "reindexdb -a -q" 2> /dev/null

Configure crontab

To install the cron job, run:

$ sudo mkdir /root/logs

$ sudo crontab -e

And add these lines according to your personal configuration:
@daily /root/ | tee /root/logs/backup.$(date +\%Y.\%m.\%d_\%H.\%M.\%S).log

More information at Crontab quick reference

If you want to be notified by mail you should install "postfix" service in your server.

Restoring backup

You can list the available backups:

$ rdiff-backup --list-increment-sizes /path/to/backup
Sun Sep 11 05:00:19 2012         4.25 GB           4.25 GB   (current mirror)
Sun Sep  4 00:00:18 2012         13.3 MB           4.26 GB
Sun Aug 28 00:00:13 2012          674 MB           4.92 GB
Sun Aug 21 00:00:14 2012         5.50 MB           4.93 GB
Sun Aug 14 00:00:16 2012         1.75 MB           4.93 GB
Sun Aug  7 00:00:12 2012          288 KB           4.93 GB
Sun Jul 31 00:00:13 2012         43.0 KB           4.93 GB
Fri Jul 29 10:36:39 2012         5.56 KB           4.93 GB

Then decide to restore some of the backups, for example the one made on Sun Aug 28 00:00:13 2012:

$ rdiff-backup --restore-as-of 2012-08-28 /path/to/backup /path/to/destination

Or restore the last backup

$ rdiff-backup --restore-as-of now /path/to/backup /path/to/destination

The --restore-as-of parameter accepts several formats. See rdiff-backup documentation for more info.

Sample for restoring single folder ( the /home/openkm/tomcat/ must exists )

rdiff-backup --restore-as-of now /mnt/backup/ms1/home/openkm/tomcat/ /home/openkm/tomcat/

Inside of /path/to/destination you should see a directory /home/openkm, and inside it a couple of directories:

  • db: The backup of the database.
  • tomcat-7.0.61: The backup of the Tomcat installation and OpenKM repository into.

Additional information