Digital Signature Client

Digital Signature Clients help you to sign - electronic digital signature - documents to OpenKM quickly.

In the file, "%USER_LOCAL_DOCUMENT_FOLDER%/OpenKM/openkm.xml" are saved the connection OpenKM data. The password is encrypted.

The Digital Signature Client takes advantage of using Microsoft Digital Certificates stores.

There is a log file for each application at:

  • "%USER_LOCAL_DOCUMENT_FOLDER%/OpenKM/DigitalSignature.log."


  • Click on File > Configuration.
  • Set the version to "Webservices 2.0".
  • Choose a language ( by default, English ).
  • Set the username.
  • Set the password.
  • Set the host ( for example, http://localhost:8080/OpenKM ).
  • Click on the Test button to check the connection configuration.

Sign documents

  • To sign documents, select files or folders with files and drag them to Digital Signature Client.
  • You will be shown a Pop-up to choose the certificate to sign documents. Select a certificate and click the Accept button.
  • Select the destination folder to save the documents and click the Sign button.

If the Digital Signature Client detects an existing document with the same name in the repository, it will show a warning asking to update or skip the document.