Working with the menu bar

At the menu bar on the top all available features are organized by type. The menu options is formed by all the pull down menus with their different options. If an option within a menu appears greyed-out, this option is not available

The menu bar options are:

  • File.
  • Edit.
  • Tools.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Templates.
  • Help.

The features described below are the default features. In your menu bar options can be shown others not described here if you have OpenKM extensions enabled.

Massive column in the tables, indicates you can check several nodes at the same time in browser panel to apply the same action.



 Find folder

Finds folder in the repository.

The search can be executed only on the context of the selected stack.


 Find document

Finds a document in the repository.

The search can be executed only on the context of the selected stack.


 Find similar document

Finds similar documents in the repository. The feature is based on the search engine heuristic that is based on contents of the selected document.

The search can be executed only on the context of the selected stack.

This feature is only enabled when a document in Browser view is selected .


 Create folder

Creates a new folder into the selected node of the navigator panel.


Add document

Uploads a new document into the selected node of the navigator panel.

When the option "Import documents from ZIP" is checked you import the contents of a ZIP file respecting the hierarchy of the folder tree. If you have problems with filename encodings, please take a look at Client configuration . You can also upload RAR or JAR MIME-TYPE files.

When the option "Notify to users" is checked you can send a mail notification to other application users.

Optionally, based on Administration > Profiles configuration or Administration > Automation a wizard is shown. Wizard can require to you for setting metadata groups, categories or keywords.


 Download document

Downloads the selected document in browser panel.


 Download document as PDF

Download the selected document in browser panel in PDF format.

The feature is enabled when is possible convert the document to PDF format.


 Send document attachment

Sends the selected document in browser panel as an attachment by mail.


 Forward e-mail

Forwards the selected mail in a browser panel.


 Create from template

Creates a new document based on an existing one at templates space.


 Export to ZIP

Downloads the selected nodes compress into ZIP file. If you have problems with filename encodings, please take a look at Client configuration.


 Start workflow

Start a workflow on the selected node in browser panel.

You can start a workflow on any node type ( document, folder or mail ).

Optionally some workflows require you to fill a form as part of starting.

The available workflows are set in Administration > Profiles.



Refresh the user interface.


 File uploader

Bulk upload feature.

This feature needs to have Java enabled in your browser. More information at Bulk Uploader.

If you're using a recent version of Goggle Chrome, keep on mind that Java applets won't work. Please take a look at Browser configuration for more info.



Restores the selected node from the trash bin.



Purges the selected node from the trash bin.


 Purge trash

Cleans the user trash bin.



Exits the application.

Users should always exit the application with this menu option and not only closing the web browser. Anyway after 30 minutes the web session of the user in the server will be automatically terminated.


Example of allowed queries on find folder, document or mail.

  • Add an asterisk "*" as a placeholder for any unknown or wildcard terms, for example,  "*2015", "2015*", "20*15" or "*2015*".
  • Add an asterisk "?" as a placeholder for any unknown or wildcard character, for example the query "?015" will return occurrences where first character doesn't matter. 
  • The query "2015" is a synonym of "2015*". On this search view application always add "*" for you at the end.




Locks the selected document in a browser panel.



Unlocks the selected document in a browser panel.

Only the user who locked the document or an user with administration credentials ( force unlock ) can unlock the node.



Edits a document ( check-out ).



Uploads a new document version ( check-in ).

When uploading a new version of a document, you can notify users about the document changes. The application sends the notification by mail.


 Cancel edit

Cancels a document edition.

Only the user who edited the document or user with administration credentials ( force cancel edit ) can cancel edition of the node.



Deletes selected node.

When a node has been deleted, you can restore it from the trash bin. Each user has its own trash.



Copies the selected node.



Moves the selected node.



Renames the selected node.

You can cancel renaming using the ESC key.


 Add note

Adds a note to the selected node.


 Add category

Adds a category to the selected node.

Categories are a virtual taxonomy space that helps on the navigation of taxonomy nodes across other concepts


 Add keyword

Adds a keyword to the selected node.

When thesaurus is enabled you can choose terms from there ( SKOS ).


 Merge PDF

Merges two or more PDF files. The result of the process is a new PDF document.

Musts chooses two or more PDF files to be merged.

You can change the process order of the PDF documents.

You can set the name of the new PDF document result of merging the selected PDF files.


 Add metadata group

Adds a metadata group to the selected node.


 Update metadata group

Updates a metadata group fields values of the selected node.


 Remove metadata group

Deletes the metadata group of the selected node.


 Add subscription

Subscribes to the selected node.

You can subscribe on any node type ( document, folder or mail ). In case you are subscribed to node of type folder, you'll be notified by mail with any change in that node and children hierarchy.


 Remove subscription

Un subscribe to the selected node.


The document edition is based on the "check-out / check-in" model.

"Check-out" and "check-in" are common terms in many document management systems, including OpenKM. Their purpose is to prevent conflicts in an environment where multiple people might want to edit the same piece of content - in OpenKM a document - at the same time. 

The term "check-out" describes the process of getting a version of a document. By checking out a document, a user can prevent others from editing that content.

The term "check-in" describes the process of updating a document to replace the previous version. By checking in the item, the user can allow others to edit the document, without needing to worry about overriding changes that others have made.

When a document is checked out to a user, that user can work on that document, and other users cannot. Other users must wait for the user to check in the document before they can edit. While the document is checked out, other users usually can see only the last version that was checked in; they can't see the changes that the current user has made on the document while it's been checked out.




Changes the user interface language.



Changes the user interface skin.


 Debug console

Shows the  frontend console.


 Show administration

Shows the administration tab on a separate browser tab.

This option is only available for Administrators users.


 User configuration

Shows the user configuration. You can change your password and mail address.



Applies Object Mark Recognition on the selected node.

The data captured is stored in a metadata group.

This option is only available if you have enabled some OMR template. For more information about it take a look at Administration > OMR templates .



Transforms the selected document to other format.

Available options:

  • When Save checkbox is checked  a new document is created in the repository.
  • When Download checkbox is checked the converted document is automatically download.


 Export to Dropbox

Exports the selected node to Dropbox.

This option is only available if you have enabled the Dropbox feature.


 Import from Dropbox

Import data from Dropbox to selected folder at Navigator.

This option is only available if you have enabled the Dropbox feature.


 Create new document

Creates a new document and starts editing with Goggle Drive integration view.

Goggle Drive integration allows collaborative edition with several users on edition at same time.

This option is only available if you have enabled the Goggle Drive feature.



Edits the selected document with Goggle Drive integration view.

Goggle Drive integration allows collaborative edition with several users on edition at same time.

This option is only available if you have enabled the Goggle Drive feature.


 HTML Editor

You can enable or disable integrated HTML editor.

This option is only available if you have enabled the HTML Editor 3 feature.


 Manage contacts

You can add or edit existing contacts.

This option is only available if you have enabled the Goggle contact feature.


 Zoho edit

You can editor document with integrated Zoho Editor.

The allowed documents are:

  • Ms Office ( doc, xls )
  • OpenOffice and LibreOffice ( odt, ods )
  • Text files.
  • CSV files.
  • HTML files.
  • RTF files.

This option is only available if you have enabled the Zoho feature.




Go to home node.


 Set default home

Change default home for selected node.

When user log in, the application opens in desktop view the home node of the user.

By default home node is "/okm:root".

You can select nodes in navigation and browser panels from desktop.

More information at Working with desktop.


 Add Bookmark

Bookmark  the selected node.

You can select nodes in navigation and browser panels from desktop.

More information at Working with desktop.


 Edit Bookmark

Show bookmark manager


From bookmark view you can see the list of nodes added in bookmark by user.

When you click on a bookmark node the application opens the node in desktop view.


Template menu dynamically build a menu hierarchy based on "/okm:templates" nodes. When you click on any menu option at templates, automatically starts the process of creating a new node ( usually a new document based on template document ).




Opens a new browser tab with official openkm documentation URL.


Support request

Opens a new browser tab with official community support URL.


 Public forum

Opens a new browser tab with official public forum URL.


 Version notes

Opens a new browser tab with application changelog URL



Opens a new browser tab with official OpenKM website URL.


 About OpenKM

Shows a pop-up with information of application.
